Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mom on a mission

So after struggling for months to lose my baby weight, I'm on a mission. Pre Ryder I never struggled with my weight. I ate like a horse and enjoyed every minute of it. I used to live to eat. Food was a passion of mine. As some of you know (especially Gen and Jake and Val) I never go to Corona without going to Miguel's for a huge burrito with sour cream. Sometimes for lunch and pick it up on the way home for dinner. Well sad to say those days are over...for a while.

Through Stroller Strides I have joined a "Get Fit Challenge." It's a 3 month contest to see who can lose the highest percent of body fat. Not weight but pounds of fat. So the goal is to maintain muscle as well as build it. So last Friday I had a Hydrostatic Body Composition Analysis. In English I had my body fat tested under water which is the most accurate form of testing fat. And they also took pictures of us in a bathing suit to see the transformation. Scary!!! I will post the BEFORE picture in 3 months once I have the AFTER picture to compare it to. On May 1st I will have it retested and I'm expecting dramatic results. The winner receives the pot of money which we all chipped in $25.00 to. So with money, health, and my body back, I was so in.

My goal for 3 months is to loose 20 pounds of pure fat. I will strive to eat clean, unprocessed foods that add up to no more than 1300 calories a day. I will exercise 6 days a week. And I will drink less wine:(

I was reading in a magazine that when you are trying to get dramatic results let friends and family know, so people will hold you accountable, and be supportive. So if anyone is hanging out with me and see's me making bad choices, fell free to let me know.


Genn said...

Good luck Shelbie! I know you can do it. Especially now that you put it out there on your blog, you will hold youself more accountable just for writing it down.

Don't worry, Miguel's will be here forever. You can have it for bfast lunch and dinner in 3 months if you want to!!

I wish you luck and loss! =)

Steph said...

You go Shelb!!! You are a stud, so I have no doubt in my mind that you will win! Stay away from Marg's... those things are killer with all the sugar and calories. If you have to drink a cocktail, go for a Mojito!!! Can't wait to see your results!

Hailey's Helpful Hints said...

Be sure to call me if you need any advice. I love talking food hence our 30 min convo!! I'm sure it won't be the first or last. :) How you doing on cutting out the wine?

Kris said...

Good luck SHelb! Ryder is getting cuter and cuter every day!
PS I think you look great the way you are!!!