Ryder has also gotten his first teeth. His two bottom teeth cut through the same day. The poor boy was also sick while he was cutting teeth, and he was a trooper. Ryder is starting to feed himself people food now. He eats avo, beans, rice, peas, bread, pretty much anything you give him. Definitely not a picky eater for now. We tried yogurt yesterday and he loved it.
He's still has no interest in crawling which is fine by me. I know eventually he will be mobile so I'm not rushing it. I know once he is my life will forever be changed. It seems everyone rushes the milestones, they can't wait for their kids to grow up, to be independent. Knowing we only want one more child and we will be so much busier with another one, I'm thoroughly enjoying everyday and not rushing anything.
This is how I found Ryder in his crib the other day.
ryder is so flippin' adorable! LOVE his new stroller and I wanna see those teeth of his! post a pic!
What a cutie he is! So I saw a picture of you on Facebook with Raquel one of your work out buddies...small world, I also know her from school and she is really good friends with my sister-in-law!!!
Ryder is getting so big, and cuter if that's possible!
Thank you for your nice comment on my blog Shelb. Made my day.
Hi Shelb. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. I love those cuppies too! My favorite for Spring.
Ryder is just adorable!
WTG with your weight loss and fitness plan!
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