Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Never Ending Leak!

Happy late Thanksgiving everyone. With the move and all we've been out of touch with the computer. Well the move went great. We love the new place! But, on our second night here we noticed water on the carpet. After Danny thought I spilled something, I thought Sid peed, Sid blamed it on Ryder, and we realized it was more than that. We pulled the carpet back and the pads were soaked. This was 11:30pm Tuesday night. The 24 hour maintenance showed up at 1:30 am and was able to do nothing. The next day they sent out a plumber who said they needed to jack hammer the cement by our kitchen so Ryder and I left for a few hours. We came home and it was fixed, so we thought. We also had 3 holes cut out of the drywall in different rooms, our carpet pulled back with the pads cut out, and huge fans blowing dust all over the house the day before Thanksgiving. Yesterday (Saturday) I opened up the cabinet under the sink and it was filled with water. Danny fixed that leak. Then I decided to drop a cutting board on my foot, so we spent the evening at Urgent Care while I got stitched up. Today feeling sore and my house looking tore up and filthy with dust, I'm instructed to stay off of my foot and stare at my house that I can't clean. So I decide to take a bath with a bagged foot. But the water wouldn't stay in the tub because the stopper had an old seal. Frustrated I hobble to the couch and notice the carpet is wet AGAIN, in a different spot. Since it's Sunday no one can come attempt to fix it until tomorrow. I just wanted to cry. Then I read a friend's blog and she had written a post about crying and laughing and I couldn't help but laugh. Thanks Genn. I needed that post.


Genn said...

Oh Shelb! I am so sorry! What a run of bad luck. Things have got to be looking brighter very soon!

I'm glad that my post was able to make you laugh. I hope that you had some red wine on hand for yourself this weekend. Sounds like we need to get together and have a couple glasses.

I almost emailed you today to ask you where you have been because you have not been blogging. I hope things get fixed ok with the new place soon. And I hope your foot is alright! Jake wants to know if your injury means that you can not give massages right now? =)

Kris said...

Oh no Shelbie! I was reading your blog with Gennifer, and I felt so bad for you!!! I hope things settle down now. Keep your foot up, and take it easy.

Cristy Abella said...

OMG. Let us know if you need any help! You can hang at our house if you need a place to chill while we are away at work! may not be clean but it should be dry!

Steph said...

shelbie!!! what a couple of weeks you've had. i hope your foot is better and that your house is all fixed up. i'm gonna try to make it on Thursday night. i'm trying to change my flight.

Anonymous said...

Oh Shelb! You make me laugh, thank you, Deb

Anonymous said...

oh shelb...what a mess! I'm so sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time adjusting into your new place! what a drag :(. Hang in there, it's gotta get better sometime! love ya, tiff