Monday, October 31, 2011

Update on poor peanut

Regan is having a tough time again. She has had a rash for 9 days, it was on her body and then after a few days cleared and remained on her face. It got tho the point that it didn't look like a rash, it looked like a chemical burn. It was raspberry red and super tight and hot to the touch. On top of that she has had diarrhea the entire 9 days as well. It full of mucus and looks allergy related. Her poor butt also looks like it's been burned from all the acid filled diarrhea. After 5 days her allergist said to take her off ALL foods and just give her formula. (She's still on her prescription formula and probably will be for a few years) She was freaking out not eating food, she couldn't even see people eat, she would loose her mind. So sad. To add to it she cut a tooth this week then woke up Friday with a green snotty nose. Seriously??? When it rains it pours. Tomorrow she has a scratch test at the allergist's office. From what I understand "I" am going to hold her down while that scratch her back with plastic picks infected with "what we think shes allergic to." They are testing her for what she's obviously allergic to "soy and milk" as well as other high allergens and all enviormental. So I will pin her down while they make approximately 20 scratches on her back. [ I'm shedding a tear] I know it's necessary since her blood work showed nothing but I  feel horrible torturing her. Wish both of us luck tomorrow and for definitive answers!  The Wednesday we go back to the G.I. to see about the constant diarrhea and they are putting her on a toddler prescription formula. I will update.


Anonymous said...

Oh Shelb I'm so sorry! Praying for her!

Anonymous said...

Oh man..poor little girl is right. That sounds horrible Shel. I hope they can figure out what is wrong. Be strong for her. She needs you. I will call you soon to see how it all went. Hugs, tiff